But Forever in My Mind

But Forever in My Mind Italian Come te nessuno mai is a 1999 Italian comedy film directed by Gabriele Muccino. Its original Italian title translates into Like you, nobody, never

The next morning, as Ponzi comes to pick up Silvio at his place, he tells him that the school has been shut down and theyre going to invade and occupy. When they reach the school, Silvio is one of the lads that gets to a backdoor. They rush in and let the rest of the crowd in. The school is taken, Silvio is exploring the grounds along with Martinos girl Which we learn is a long lost love interest of his. They break into the archives and Silvio tells her that Martino is bragging about having sex with her. She gets mad about it and they make out. Silvio is thrilled and ends up telling Ponzi all about it on his way out he was going home to get his sleeping bag, get back and sleep over at the school, hoping to get more intimate with the girl. Ponzi couldnt keep the secret and so the rumour is out. And the story builds up as it gets to Martinos ear. He gets furious and decides to get things right with Silvio and his girlfriend. The rumours of the archive kisses reach the girls ear, now she thinks SIlvio is just another boy.At home, Silvio gets into an argument with his father and ends up not making it to the school, a rather disturbed relationship is shown at his house, everyday conflicts and discussions. Built up emotions and the conflicts of generations, with the parents trying to tell their stories differently than the ones happening right now. Silvio escapes and at the school theres confrontation against the fascists. As he chases a fascist down the street with a stick, his father stops him and take him home. Another argument at the dinner table ensues. ........

Source: Wikipedia